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Human Resources at Centilytics — Our Method To Success

Even before COVID-19 drastically impacted the workforce, having a positive environment in the organization was a necessity. HR functions are not only limited to improving employee engagement or productivity in the organization, but they also focus on enhancing employee wellness and development. Any budding organization understands the importance of HR functions perfectly. After all, it is not an easy task to keep the workforce motivated.

Traditionally, HR was focused primarily on recruitment and payroll management, but in the current scenario, a myriad of functions come under the HR umbrella such as employee benefits, employee compliance, training sessions, development sessions, and many more.

In a new startup, HR plays a nominal role, but when the startup begins scaling, it becomes critical to have the right talent for the right roles. Although the task seems easy enough, it is not. Looking for the right employee aligned with the organization’s goals and ethics is an arduous task that requires a deep understanding of the organization’s core values. Not just recruitment, HR functions encompass all that is an ’employee’. It ensures the workforce has the relevant tools, resources, managers, and motivation to complete their duties.

An engaging session of Townhall where all our members engage with each other.

HR at Centilytics

At Centilytics, we believe in building a family instead of hiring associates. In a nutshell, “We are a bunch of misfits who are working towards a common goal to build a simple yet powerful platform for cloud management. A dedicated team that takes fun seriously and our work reflects our team values.” Centilytics’ HR process embodies human resource planning, employee relations, performance management, and regulatory compliance. Let’s focus on a few features and understand what separates Centilytics’ HR functions from the rest:

Keep Growing

We’re always growing in knowledge, talent, depth, and experience. We always strive to foster space for personal development.

Pursue Your Passion

Young, enthusiastic, talented, and disruptive thinkers – these are the badges that we wear with pride and continue to aim for constant improvement.

Powerful Together

We know that we are more powerful as a unit. Creativity is not limited to a department that bears its name. Instead, we let ideas flow between departments and focus more on collaboration.

Apart from the aforementioned responsibilities, Centilytics’ HR processes also make sure to boost employee morale, adopt a people-centric approach, and implement efficient processes for visibility and control.

According to our HR head Amit Rajput, in the coming times, the HR process will also focus on “development and implementation of strategies to improve HR operations, enhanced SWOT analysis, estimation of current HR capacity, and advance capacity planning.” When talking about the importance of present members, he emphasizes that the members of Centilytics’ family are the most valuable assets whose growth is directly proportional to the organization’s growth.

Centilytics organizes periodic Lunch and Learns, which are informal sessions fostering teamwork, mentorship, and exchange of ideas.

The Road Ahead

Let’s understand the future of HR processes in Centilytics. As an organization in the growing phase, Centilytics is welcoming new members of its family at an exponential rate. Being a process-oriented organization, every HR process that takes place is linked with the growth of Centilytics’ members while also being aligned with the organization’s objectives. The talent acquisition engine that keeps Centilytics running is unique due to the recruitment process that consists of bulk-hiring, referral hiring, and acqui-hiring.

With more than 150 members worldwide, Centilytics holds quarterly employee satisfaction surveys to help gauge employee satisfaction. For Centilytics, employee satisfaction is the utmost priority, and we achieve the same by valuing our people and encouraging them by providing relevant growth opportunities.

Hiring during COVID-19 has presented yet another challenge for the HR team at Centilytics. Finding the right candidate in a remote setting and attracting the right skillset are a few subsets that the HR team at Centilytics has been tackling proactively. Of late, the HR functions have also focused on developing a brand identity for Centilytics through the hiring process.

Lastly, the way ahead for HR at Centilytics is to focus on dynamic teams that can deftly handle the responsibilities assigned to them. Ensuring the new members of the Centilytics family align with the culture is also a major priority.

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